Year-end Campaign

Year End Campaign The Year-end campaign is a unique opportunity for donors to have every dollar matched up to a combined total of $60,000. Each week Jon will give an update regarding the goal. Donate Today

Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings If people had the opportunity to relive 2020, I don’t think anyone would take me up on the offer. Yet, I hear people counting their blessings, the good things that have come out of the worldwide crisis. People talk about how their family life has slowed and improved dramatically. Many couples talk…

Just A Little Off The Top

“Just A Little Off The Top” Thanksgiving is often the time of year when I take stock of the events of the past months. October is often the beginning of the next summer season. Dreams and schemes are being planted and diligently cared for to slowly propagate what will eventually be next year’s summer camp!…