Memory Verse Program

About the Program:

The discount covers one campers registration, in full upon proof of completion, up to two weeks prior to their camp session. The discount does not cover the $50 non-refundable deposit.  The Memory Verse Discount can be applied to your child/camper or another individual upon request. This helps encourage children to learn and memorize scripture verses as an opportunity to help friends, siblings, cousins, or other campers with financial need. 

If you unable provide the camper’s proof of memorization 2 weeks prior to the start date of the camp session start date, the cost of camp will be added to your account and you will be asked to pay the balance in order for the camper to remain registered for that camp session.

How to Apply:

Step 1: Apply for Memory Verse discount using the form below.

Step 2: Register camper for summer camp, applying the Memory Verse Discount Code (e-mailed to you after completing the form) to selected session .

Step 3: Complete Registration by paying the camper’s $50 deposit via cheque or credit card. 

Step 4: You will be asked to send the camper’s proof of memorization (signed form) to our registrar 2 weeks in advance of the campers arrival. This is found at the very bottom of the Memory Verse Guide. This can be sent via email as a scanned document or an attached photo.

Step 5: See you at Camp!

 If you have any questions reach out to our Registrar by email at 

Memory Verse Program

Parent/Guardian's Name
Camper's Name

Download the memory verse guide! Have any questions contact the camp registrar. Contact us at or (780) 586-2828.

Grade One (15 verses)
1 John 4:19Luke19:10Psalm 23Psalm 119:11Matthew 6:9-13John 3:16

Grade Two (25 verses)
Verses from Grade One plus Matthew 5:3-11Isaiah 40:31

Grade Three (30 verses)
All verses from Grades One & Two plus Revelation 3:20Romans 3:23Romans 6:23Ephesians 2:8-9

Grade Four (40 verses)
All verses from Grades One to Three plus Hebrews 4:12Acts 4:12Romans 10:9-10Mark 16:15Exodus 20:3-7

Grade Five (50 verses)
All verses from Grades One to Four plus Exodus 20:8-17

Grade Six (60 verses)
All verses from Grades One to Five plus1 Corinthians 15:55-58Philippians 1:6Philippians 4:19Romans 8:28Ecclesiastes 12:1Ephesians 6:1-2

Grades Seven & Eight (75 verses)
All verses from Grades One to Six plus 1 Corinthians 13:1-13Matthew 24:44Hebrews 11:6

Grades Nine to Twelve (90 verses)
All verses from Grade One to Eight plus John 14:1-15