You just have to show up or you just got to start! Over the years I have heard this piece of advice countless times. Within sports, relationships, leadership, marriage, parenting – the list goes on. I think it is actually very good advice and not to be taken lightly. 80% of it is showing up or getting started – so they say. Why 80%, I don’t know.
There are many reasons as to why we don’t show up or start and perhaps that is another blog post for another day! Today, I want to emphasis let’s show up, let’s get started. Let’s not worry about our starting point, let’s not worry about the training or lack thereof let’s get started.
What are we starting? Well, today we are going to start growing closer to God. I say starting for one simple reason we can’t show up! We cannot show up on God’s doorstep and be present we must ask, invite, Him to come and be present and so we start.
We start with a simple prayer, “Lord come.” Let’s not get caught up in the semantics of the Holy Spirit being all-present. Our starting is contingent on our Lord meeting us and meeting us. We can be sure that He will meet us.
“For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Luke 11:10
Don’t worry about your starting point. Just ask, “Lord Come.”